TimeWarp - Collector's Corner - Flyers through the years
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Flyers through the years - The 1990's

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UK Tour Flyer Nov 1999.

While both Jason Donovan and Ross King played Frank for a couple of venues at the start of 1999, Darren Day played Frank for the majority of the year with a cast made up returning 1998 cast members along with some new faces.

The show was relaunched with a new flyer (seen here for the Apollo Theatre in Oxford) showing Simona Moorecroft from 1998 as Janet, although Larissa Murray now played the role. The "Pure Musical Viagra" review quote resulted in a rather unique one off promotional item being produced - "The Rocky Horror Sex Blaster" which was a small glass vial which contained Mistella wine, Guaranna powder and Wheat germ oil, supposedly to act as an aphrodisiac!

Text and Image of flyer by fan club rep Kev