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Page updated Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024
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With Thanks To

starRichard O'Brien

starTwentieth Century Fox UK / Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment

starRocky Horror Company London Limited
Meryl Faiers, ATG and Company,
Christopher Luscombe and the entire stage company for the 2015/2016 and previous tours
Christopher Malcolm and Nick Wakeham for previous UK tours

starSal Piro and all at the Official Rocky Horror Picture Show Fan Club

starStephanie Freeman for the support and cups of tea

starAll at Shaun Webb Design for being fab!

starAll at Oakley Court Hotel, we love you guys.

starSite hosted by WebFusion Internet who are part of Pipex who used to be Nextra
which was the new name for CIX (Computer. Information. eXchange.) All of them very nice people.
A special thank you to Adrian Nelson at Pipex for all his kind help with our domain name move in June 2005

starNeil for all the Feedback Form entries helping to spot the occasional typo and code glitch.

starAli and all the other fans that send us Feedback Form entries about events and screenings.

The Site

TimeWarp is the Official UK Rocky Horror Fan Club, that's England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland for those who aren't too sure on their geography. The club itself has been going since 1988 and we registered the domain name timewarp.org.uk on the 7th March 1997.

The site went live shortly after as more or less a holding page and launched on the world wide big time in August of 1997. The timewarp.org.uk site has been created to spread the word about TimeWarp Fan Club and Rocky Horror in general.

The site caters for both Fans of The Rocky Horror stage show and the Rocky Horror Picture Show, as does the Fan Club. Most people like them both it seems, if you go by the Guest Book entries!

Created with Microsoft Notepad TM - Really!The Site is constantly expanding and it was intended that there should be updates at least once a month. Updates have been at least weekly since 1998 and the site now has over 24,685 individual pages.

This site can be viewed with any browser that is HTML4 and above capable. For the ultimate TimeWarp surfing experience make sure you enable Java and JavaScript to see and use the flashy bits such as the Fast Page Finder and ensure you have Shockwave Flash installed as a plug in to play a few of our games.

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© Copyright / Privacy Notice / StarCookies

This site and it's contents, including all images, text and files are copyright of either TimeWarp Fan Club or credited authors. Please ask first if you wish to use our images or text.

When you submit an image or text for inclusion on the site/newsletters you grant us permission to use the image/text for that purpose only. You retain all other copyright of your image/text and we will not sell it or pass it onto a third party without your express written permission. If you wish an image/text that you have submitted to be removed from our site please email us via our contact form to make said request. In most situations we cannot accept requests from information to be removed from third parties.

No part of these pages may be reproduced without written permission from David or Stephanie Freeman at TimeWarp Fan Club. Or contact us via our feedback form here. If you want to use anything from this site, please ask first.

Fox logo used with permission of Twentieth Century Fox Ltd 'Lips' logo used with permission of the Official RHPS Fan Club. All other images are either original or used with express permission. The TimeWarp site will not be publishing any images without permission of the copyright owners.

Any personal information collected on this site, for example names and addresses for competitions, will be used only for the purpose stated. We will never pass on your details to a third party (unless clearly stated on a specific competition page). We will not send you unsolicited email at any time. Your information is not used for any other purpose in these instances. Competition and other entries that are not needed to send out prizes, etc. to winners are deleted from our systems.

Some areas of the site use php sessions, unlike cookies these are deleted automatically when you end your browsing session.

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The Authors / Contributors

David Freeman [contact]

Discovered RHPS in 1980 and first saw the live Rocky Horror Show back in 1985. He joined the 'Charming Underclothes' performance group at the Screen on Baker Street in London during their first months, back in the early days of 1988. He was a regular cast member for over eight years, performing in well over 500 shows, more than anyone in the UK, a record that stands to this day. He retired from the group in June, 1996. He has been known to come out of retirement every now and then, including performing as Space Riff on the Friday night at the 25th Anniversary convention in Las Vegas in 2000. He introduced the Movie in London for well over five years (250+ shows) and was the last surviving member of the original Charming Underclothes Cast (from Baker Street) to retire from performing.

He married Stephanie Freeman the founder of TimeWarp Fan Club who he met at the Screen on Baker Street in 1990, their first son Dana was born in 1996, followed by Illya in 2001. Stephanie's last performing cast show took place a day before she went into Labour with Dana (She played Betty Hapschatt, complete with real bump). Stephanie also came out of retirement to play Space Magenta at the Las Vegas 25th Anniversary Convention, again complete with (quite small at the time) pregnancy bump.

David co-hosted the Transylvania 1992, 1994 and 1999 UK Rocky Horror Conventions, still the three biggest UK Rocky Conventions with over 500 attendees at each one.

David is a Photographer and Technician, many of the photographs on this site have been taken by him and his work appears in both of Sal Piro's 'Creatures Of The Night' books as well as in many Rocky Horror related publications and web sites. He was the production photographer for the 2015/16 UK tour of The Rocky Horror Show and several other UK tours after. There are even a couple of his Rocky Horror images in a movie! (Midnight Movies: From the Margin to the Mainstream) and he even get's his name in the credits.

He also wrote the Text and Chapter Stops for the UK Laser Disc release of The Rocky Horror Picture Show released by Encore Entertainment (this was the only Laser Disc version of The Rocky Horror Picture Show with 'Super Heroes' included in the film itself).

His interests aside from Rocky Horror include amongst others: film, music and 1,000+ watts of home cinema gear (He has a very nice neighbour, so doesn't always turn the volume right up!). He also writes several other web sites apart from TimeWarp and is a consultant for many more, all the sites are written with Notepad, really!

If you are at a stage show in the UK you'll recognise him by his trademark green sequined jacket, do say Hi, he likes to find out what people think of this site and to chat about the wonderful world of Rocky.

His least favourite theatre is the Regent Theatre Ipswich.

The one item he longed to add to his Rocky Horror and related collection was an original vinyl LP of The Stripper and on Monday, February 13th, 2017 he finally got a mint condition copy!

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Nik Rosser

Although Nik no longer has anything to do with the day to day running of this site, his help in the setting up and early days was invaluable (that means I didn't pay him!)

Nik was a committee member for the Transylvania '92 and Transylvania '94 Official UK Rocky Horror conventions, where he also performed the Stage Management of the 1994 convention. He was once again a committee member for the 1999 convention, and did most of the photography on the day, uploading images to the Convention web site throughout the event.

I first met Nik way back in 1988 and we were both members of Charming Underclothes in that year, as was Stephen Edwards who is also a Transylvania Conventions Committee member. Nik works for a large computer corporation, and in his spare(?) time is a very active member of the Green Theatre Company.

He has performed sound design and operation for 'Yerma' and 'Connections' with the GTC, 'Twelve Angry Men' for the Teddington Theatre Club, and directed 'A Dangerous Business' for the GTC. His first stage appearance for the Green Theatre Company was as 'Martin' in a reprise of Chris Nash's 'Tout' performed in LJ's Theatre Bar, Kingston.

As for scandalous gossip, Nik has accidentally caused a Glasgow-wide terrorist alert with a props department gun, has been seen dressed as a banana while sporting black fishnet stockings in Piccadilly Circus tube station, and has had his hand down the back of Richard O'Brien's trousers, which he claims was something to do with a radio mike.

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Rob Bagnall - Site Contributor / Reviews & TimeWarp Rep

Rob Bagnall was born in Leek, Staffordshire, England, in March, in the late 60's; and grew up (in the loosest sense of the word, of course) watching classic (and not-so-classic) monster movies on late night TV and listening to classic rock 'n' roll from the 1950s.

Rather than the sporting pursuits and modern music favoured by his school-mates, Rob's adolescent obsessions were science fiction and horror films, cheesy old monster movies, retro-pop and rock music, 1950s Americana, B-movies, camp comedy, Hallowe'en, special effects, make-up and dressing up; and when, at the impressionable age of 17 (a confused mess of teenage hormones and sci-fi geekiness), he first saw Richard O'Brien's musical masterpiece The Rocky Horror Show "Alive on stage" at the Theatre Royal Hanley, Stoke-on-Trent, it was love at first sight.

"It was as though Richard O'Brien had tapped into my subconscious, found all of my passions, and written this perfect musical especially for me," says Rob, “Science Fiction Double Feature seemed to speak me personally; I got it totally, it's the best song ever written."

That first viewing of the show immediately started what would become a lifelong devotion to both The Rocky Horror Show and its equally brilliant film version The Rocky Horror Picture Show; and he joined TimeWarp (the one and only Official UK Rocky Horror Fan Club) as soon as it started in 1988, and has renewed his annual membership every year since. He continues to watch the movie regularly, follow the stage show tours all over the UK, and is constantly searching for new (and old) Rocky Horror merchandise to add to his beloved and ever-expanding collection.

Rob's proudest, most exciting and emotional Rocky Horror moments to date have included: being invited to attend a rehearsal for the 2006 UK tour of The Rocky Horror Show; being in the audience for the one-off charity concert performance The Rocky Horror Tribute Show at the Royal Court Theatre on May 3, 2006; being asked to write a page for the 30th anniversary tour's souvenir brochure; seeing Patricia Quinn reprise her original role of Usherette/Magenta (and singing Science Fiction Double Feature live on stage again) for The Rocky Horror Show's 21st birthday tour in 1994; and finally meeting the legendary Tim Curry in 2006 at the stage door of the London's Palace Theatre, where he played the part of King Arthur in the West End production of Monty Python's Spamalot.

For better or worse, Rocky Horror made Rob Bagnall the man he is; it is a passionate and enthusiastic devotion that continues (with no signs of slowing down) to this very day, and he would like to express his eternal gratitude to the man who started it all, the great Richard O'Brien.

Updated: In 2013 Rob and Phil Barden had their book Still The Beast is Feeding - 40 Years of Rocky Horror published by Telos publishing.

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Kev McEwen - Site/Facebook contributer & TimeWarp Rep.

Kev's main contribution to the web based aspects of TimeWarp is through our facebook page. He posts some amazing rare images and insights from The Rocky Horror Show/The Rocky Horror Picture Show and his posts hold the record for the most views/shares of any of our social media pages. If you decide to share please make sure you credit Kev and the fan club always.

Kev is also a long time contributer to the Newsletters and an invaluable member of the TimeWarp team.

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Alison N (Ali) - Site Contributor / Film Screenings.

Ali has a knack of spotting the movie listings we don't. Thank you so much.

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Neil - Site Contributor / Spotting my typoes typos.

And it is always appreciated.

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Site Awards

Golden Lips AwardRocky Horror Site of the Month: November 1997, back in the early days of the site. We now have around a hundred times the content as well as a Search facility, Chat Rooms, Notice Board, Merchandise Section, etc.

We scored: Content: 9 - Layout: 8 - Organization/Ease of Use: 8

Site Design AwardWe also got this award from Quatec.
"Your site was reviewed for originality, usefulness of information, graphic design, and was found to add an outstanding artistic flair, careful and concise design, and a wealth of information. Your site only enhances the originality of our internet community. Job well done!"

CM awardA Critical Mass Award no less!
"A very nice site, excellent design, clever original graphics, and your content is informative, entertaining, presented well and easy to access. A worthy enterprise and a positive contribution to the Web."

Top SiteThank you for the Top Site award!
"Well done, a well written site with a great deal of original content for your target audience."

BossBoss Award
Not a site award as such, but Stephanie and I were very honoured and flattered to be given the Boss Award on stage at the Transylvania '99 Convention here in the UK. We've still got the award on the wall of the fan club office and it is one of our most treasured Rocky items. Thanks!

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Spam Emails faking a TimeWarp address?

If you've received a spam email or a virus laden file that says it comes from an @ timewarp.org.uk address then you haven't! A lot of virus/spam emails now fake the senders address, timewarp like many other sites have been a victim of this practice. We have NEVER sent out a spam message or virus laden file from our email system and the system has so many firewalls, virus scanners, etc. that it cannot. Anything spam with our domain name is a fake!

Have a look at the detailed header information on the email (the ip address is a givaway, even if the "Hello" is faked) and you will see that although the file is pretending to come from one site it is in fact sent from somewhere else, mostly from Korea and China it seems at the moment!

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Hit Counter

This site used to use a counter linked from the main title page, it recorded one 'hit' per visit, unlike some counters placed on other sites. As you can see from the table below, we have more visitors than ever showed on the counter, this is due to many people jumping into the site at an internal page such as the What's New page. Since Monday, June 13th, 2005 we have only used web server statistics as they are more accurate (The number of 'hits' , i.e. a request for any type of file, is over 20 million a year now). Nik Rosser calls people who like the following table 'Stat Sluts', cute eh! TimeWarp is one of the top five most visited Rocky Horror web sites on the net.

DateActual visitors for previous monthTotal visitors
Monday, July 1st47,23413,507,435
Saturday, June 1st54,74013,460,201
Wednesday, May 1st54,46113,405,461
Monday, April 1st53,86413,351,000
Friday, March 1st57,21413,297,136
Thursday, February 1st49,90113,239,922
Monday, January 1st53,43913,190,021

DateActual visitors for previous monthTotal visitors
Friday, December 1st53,48613,136,582
Wednesday, November 1st50,68113,083,096
Sunday, October 1st53,25613,032,415
Friday, September 1st47,99812,979,159
Tuesday, August 1st51,13812,931,161
Saturday, July 1st58,66912,880,023
Thursday, June 1st56,78412,821,354
Monday, May 1st51,24912,764,570
Saturday, April 1st47,40112,713,321
Wednesday, March 1st47,87212,665,920
Wednesday, February 1st49,03112,618,048
Sunday, January 1st49,61312,569,017

DateActual visitors for previous monthTotal visitors
Thursday, December 1st51,49012,519,404
Tuesday, November 1st47,34512,467,914
Saturday, October 1st51,80112,420,569
Thursday, September 1st49,15612,368,768
Monday, August 1st48,20212,319,612
Friday, July 1st47,21512,271,410
Wednesday, June 1st49,94112,224,195
Sunday, May 1st51,52612,174,254
Friday, April 1st48,48812,122,728
Tuesday, March 1st47,18412,074,240
Tuesday, February 1st55,00812,027,056
Thursday, January 13thMega Visitor landmark12,000,000
Saturday, January 1st54,56311,972,048

DateActual visitors for previous monthTotal visitors
Wednesday, December 1st109,62511,917,485
Monday, November 1st96,09111,807,860
Friday, October 1st51,43711,711,769
Wednesday, September 1st50,72111,660,332
Sunday, August 1st53,94211,609,611
Thursday, July 1st49,68111,555,669
Tuesday, June 1st47,25311,505,988
Saturday, May 1st44,42911,458,735
Thursday, April 1st46,96111,414,306
Monday, March 1st48,56411,367,345
Monday, February 1st49,84111,318,781
Friday, January 1st52,97111,268,940

DateActual visitors for previous monthTotal visitors
Tuesday, December 1st60,63211,215,969
Sunday, November 1st48,49011,155,337
Thursday, October 1st52,87411,106,847
Tuesday, September 1st56,17611,053,973
Monday, August 10th, 2020Mega Visitor landmark11,000,000
Saturday, August 1st60,57310,997,797
Wednesday, July 1st66,25110,937,224
Monday, June 1st63,81310,870,973
Friday, May 1st74,68110,807,160
Wednesday, April 1st52,21410,732,479
Sunday, March 1st48,63710,680,265
Saturday, February 1st50,54710,631,628
Wednesday, January 1st51,33410,580,294

DateActual visitors for previous monthTotal visitors
Sunday, December 1st49,81310,529,847
Friday, November 1st56,71210,480,034
Tuesday, October 1st60,85610,423,322
Sunday, September 1st55,95110,362,466
Thursday, August 1st66,64810,306,515
Monday, July 1st75,48210,239,867
Saturday, June 1st62,94110,164,385
Wednesday, May 1st68,65710,104,444
Monday, April 1st54,68110,035,787
Saturday, March 16thMega Visitor landmark10,000,000
Friday, March 1st61,6479,981,106
Friday, February 1st55,3249,919,459
Tuesday, January 1st57,2649,864,135

DateActual visitors for previous monthTotal visitors
Saturday, December 1st59,5639,806,871
Thursday, November 1st68,2149,747,308
Monday, October 1st62,6849,679,094
Saturday, September 1st72,3579,616,410
Wednesday, August 1st68,8939,544,053
Sunday, July 1st76,4139,475,160
Friday, June 1st65,3859,398,747
Tuesday, May 1st68,6279,333,362
Sunday, April 1st57,1289,264,735
Thursday, March 1st49,9899,207,607
Thursday, February 1st52,8949,157,618
Monday, January 1st54,1939,104,724

DateActual visitors for previous monthTotal visitors
Friday, December 1st48,2549,050,531
Wednesday, November 1st47,5319,002,277
Tuesday, October 31stMega Visitor landmark9,000,000
Sunday, October 1st48,1278,954,746
Friday, September 1st47,0078,906,619
Monday, August 1st41,5178,859,612
Saturday, July 1st45,9638,818,095
Thursday, June 1st48,3898,772,132
Monday, May 1st47,9398,723,743
Saturday, April 1st52,3918,675,804
Wednesday, March 1st49,2988,623,413
Wednesday, February 1st58,9708,574,115
Sunday, January 1st57,1938,515,145

DateActual visitors for previous monthTotal visitors
Thursday, December 1st64,9388,457,952
Tuesday, November 1st108,9238,393,014
Saturday, October 1st54,1008,284,091
Thursday, September 1st59,4518,229,991
Monday, August 1st57,7968,170,540
Friday, July 1st53,1998,112,744
Wednesday, June 1st57,0988,059,545
Sunday, May 1st51,7948,002,447
Saturday, April 30th, 2016Mega Visitor landmark8,000,000
Friday, April 1st52,6947,950,683
Tuesday, March 1st55,4517,897,989
Monday, February 1st64,3177,842,538
Friday, January 1st60,5257,778,221

DateActual visitors for previous monthTotal visitors
Tuesday, December 1st66,0797,717,696
Sunday, November 1st87,4877,651,617
Thursday, October 1st64,2417,564,130
Wednesday, September 2ndVisitor landmark7,500,000
Tuesday, September 1st50,3177,499,889
Saturday, August 1st65,2127,449,572
Thursday, July 1st63,0287,384,360
Monday, June 1st64,7687,321,332
Friday, May 1st49,6507,256,564
Wednesday, April 1st53,0887,206,914
Sunday, March 1st43,9667,153,826
Sunday, February 1st47,5867,109,860
Thursday, January 1st65,4297,062,274

DateActual visitors for previous monthTotal visitors
Tuesday, December 2nd, 2014Mega Visitor landmark7,000,000
Monday, December 1st89,2656,996,845
Saturday, November 1st121,5626,907,580
Wednesday, October 1st98,2676,786,018
Monday, September 1st110,1116,687,751
Friday, August 1st122,8566,577,640
Tuesday, July 15thVisitor landmark6,500,000
Tuesday, July 1st92,2756,454,784
Sunday, June 1st73,4666,435,975
Thursday, May 1st62,1206,362,509
Tuesday, April 1st43,8646,300,389
Saturday, March 1st37,7246,256,525
Saturday, February 1st45,2096,218,801
Wednesday, January 1st56,4766,173,592

DateActual visitors for previous monthTotal visitors
Sunday, December 1st64,6576,117,116
Friday, November 1st81,8876,052,459
Saturday, October 12thMega Visitor landmark6,000,000
Tuesday, October 1st74,4705,970,572
Sunday, September 1st64,3495,896,102
Thursday, August 1st68,7085,831,753
Monday, July 1st67,0015,763,045
Saturday, June 1st62,4755,627,336
Monday, May 1st63,9035,564,861
Monday, April 1st64,5985,500,958
Friday, March 1st47,7115,437,957
Friday, February 1st58,6935,390,246
Tuesday, January 1st47,6365,331,553

DateActual visitors for previous monthTotal visitors
Friday, December 1st40,7315,283,917
Thursday, November 1st59,5805,243,186
Monday, October 1st33,6765,183,606
Saturday, September 1st34,9775,149,930
Wednesday, August 1st31,4585,114,953
Sunday, July 1st27,6165,083,495
Friday, June 1st30,0265,055,879
Tuesday, May 1st29,6375,025,853
Friday, April 6thMega Visitor landmark5,000,000
Sunday, April 1st29,7914,996,216
Thursday, March 1st33,4154,966,425
Wednesday, February 1st34,7014,933,010
Sunday, January 1st32,8214,898,309

DateActual visitors for previous monthTotal visitors
Thursday, December 1st 22,7234,865,488
Tuesday, November 1st 43,8984,842,765
Saturday, October 1st 32,2494,798,867
Friday, September 2nd 22,5064,766,618
Monday, August 1st 26,1224,744,112
Wednesday, July 6th (lost stats found!)+6,9004,744,735
Friday, July 1st32,9834,711,713
Wednesday, June 1st36,1614,678,730
Sunday, May 1st30,2844,642,569
Friday, April 1st58,8484,612,285
Tuesday, March 1st69,1554,553,437
Tuesday, February 1st62,3774,484,282
Saturday, January 1st70,8454,421,905

DateActual visitors for previous monthTotal visitors
Wednesday, December 1st111,1464,351,060
Most VisitorsMonday, November 1st127,7454,239,914
Friday, October 1st80,8914,112,169
Wednesday, September 1st78,7344,031,278
Thursday, August 19th 08.54Mega Visitor landmark4,000,004
Sunday, August 1st79,3533,952,544
Thursday, July 1st64,2613,873,191
Tuesday, June 1st66,8253,808,930
Saturday, May 1st67,1963,742,105
Thursday, April 1st80,3643,674,909
Monday, March 1st70,4703,594,545
Monday, February 1st78,4583,524,075
Friday, January 1st65,1193,445,617

DateActual visitors for previous monthTotal visitors
Tuesday, December 1st83,1323,380,498
Sunday, November 1st107,2113,297,366
Thursday, October 1st79,6903,190,155
Tuesday, September 1st71,5963,110,465
Saturday, August 1st72,0903,038,869
Monday, July 13th 11:43amMega Visitor landmark3,000,000
Wednesday, July 1st83,5912,966,779
Monday, June 1st58,8152,883,188
TimeWarp.org.uk moved to new servers at the end of April 2009. This means reports from 1st June onwards are more reliable.
Friday, May 1st37,4062,824,373
Wednesday, April 1st33,6662,786,967
Sunday, March 1st27,9482,753,301
Sunday, February 1st29,4462,725,353
Thursday, January 1st29,2082,695,907

DateActual visitors for previous monthTotal visitors
Monday, December 1st34,4182,666,699
Saturday, November 1st45,6902,632,281
Wednesday, October 1st33,7492,586,591
Monday, September 1st31,0832,552,842
Friday, August 1st41,1502,521,759
Saturday, July 12thVisitor landmark2,500,000
Tuesday, July 1st50,2272,480,609
Sunday, June 1st67,0052,430,382
Thursday, May 1st67,5112,363,377
Tuesday, April 1st50,5832,295,866
Saturday, March 1st50,0642,245,283
Friday, February 1st52,9672,195,219
Tuesday, January 1st49,7332,142,252

DateActual visitors for previous monthTotal visitors
Total number of visitors for this year679,097
Saturday, December 1st40,9642,092,519
Thursday, November 1st61,1772,051,555
Friday, October 5th 11:45amMega Visitor landmark2,000,000
Monday, October 1st49,6351,990,378
Saturday, September 1st68,6691,940,743
Wednesday, August 1st95,9381,872,074
Sunday, July 1st78,0561,776,136
Friday, June 1st62,0051,698,080
Tuesday, May 1st45,4641,636,075
Sunday, April 1st72,3771,590,611
Thursday, March 1st47,2421,518,234
Thursday, February 15thVisitor landmark1,500,000
Thursday, February 1st57,5701,470,992
Monday, January 1st47,6681,413,422

DateActual visitors for previous monthTotal visitors
Total number of visitors for this year549,908
Friday, December 1st63,8641,365,754
Wednesday, November 1st59,6551,301,890
Sunday, October 1st54,1951,242,235
Friday, September 1st40,9561,188,040
Tuesday, August 1st45,5091,147,084
Saturday, July 1st43,5311,101,575
Thursday, June 1st61,4381,058,044
Tuesday, May 2nd 9:57pmMega Visitor landmark1,000,000
Monday, May 1st52,078996,606
Saturday April 1st57,097944,528
Thursday, March 9thVisitor landmark900,000
Wednesday, March 1st37,693887,431
Wednesday, February 1st33,892849,738
Sunday, January 1st28,540815,846

DateSite Counter
No Longer Used
Counter +
No Longer Used
Actual visitors for previous monthTotal visitors
Tuesday, December 13thVisitor landmark800,000
Thursday, December 1st
Tuesday, November 1st
Tuesday, October 25thVisitor landmark750,000
Saturday, October 1st
Saturday, September 3rdVisitor landmark700,000
Thursday, September 1st
Monday, August 1st
The TimeWarp site moved to a new server on June 13th and we stopped using the graphical counter. As web stats are the more accurate option that will be all that is now shown for our statistics. We also added several enhancements to the site around this time including our Forums, which have helped boost the number of visitors we get each month. Web Stats Unique Visitors Total for month of June is shown in brackets here.(16,559)654,605
Friday, July 1stFirst recorded unique visitor figures from PIPEX server June 14th - 30th10,567654,605
Monday, June 13thLast recorded unique visitor figures from CIX server June 1st - 13th5,992644,038
Wednesday, June 1st275,4662,31412,591638,046
Sunday, May 1st273,1522,14113,350625,455
Friday, April 1st271,0112,24615,358612,105
Monday, March 7thVisitor landmark600,000
Tuesday, March 1st268,7652,34413,864596,747
Tuesday, February 1st266,4212,05513,218582,883
Saturday, January 1st264,3661,87411,930569,665

DateSite Counter
No Longer Used
Counter +
No Longer Used
Actual visitors for previous monthTotal visitors
Wednesday, December 1st262,4922,41812,941557,735
Monday, November 1st260,0744,05515,021544,794
Friday, October 1st256,0192,74413,405529,773
Wednesday, September 1st253,2751,98611,609516,268
Sunday, August 1st251,2891,97412,728504,659
Thursday, July 22ndVisitor landmark500,000
Sunday, July 11th250,000Counter landmark
Thursday, July 1st249,3151,9299,503491,931
Tuesday, June 1st247,3862,49911,126482,428
Saturday, May 1st244,8872,66711,296471,302
Thursday, April 1st242,2203,14914,870460,006
Monday, March 1st239,0713,59017,351445,136
Sunday, February 1st235,4813,13512,392427,785
Thursday, January 1st232,3463,14211,269415,393

DateSite Counter
No Longer Used
Counter +
No Longer Used
Actual visitors for previous monthTotal visitors
Monday, December 1st229,2044,74913,061404,124
Monday, November 17thVisitor landmark400,000
Saturday, November 1st224,4557,81817,541391,063
Wednesday, October 1st216,6375,70413,902373,522
Monday, September 1st210,9333,79810,363359,620
Friday, August 1st207,1354,30811,404349,257
Tuesday, July 1st202,8275,56911,596337,853
Sunday, June 15th200,000Counter landmark
Sunday, June 1st197,2585,82312,221326,257
Thursday, May 1st191,4355,10611,179314,036
Tuesday, April 1st186,3295,23311,070302,857
Saturday, March 22ndVisitor landmark300,000
Saturday, March 1st181,0964,85412,094291,787
Saturday, February 1st176,2425,47110,469279,693
Wednesday, January 1st170,7714,0557,487269,224

DateSite Counter
No Longer Used
Counter +
No Longer Used
Actual visitors for previous monthTotal visitors
Sunday, December 1st166,7166,73911,117261,737
Friday, November 1st159,9778,83912,247250,620
Tuesday, October 1st151,1385,0318,305238,373
Sunday, September 1st146,1073,4286,857230,068
Thursday, August 1st142,6793,2107,001223,211
Monday, July 1st139,4692,5466,087216,210
Saturday, June 1st136,9232,8896,810210,123
Wednesday, 1st May134,0342,9076,758203,313
Sunday, 14th AprilVisitor landmark200,000
Monday, 1st April131,1273,4886,851196,555
Friday, 1st March127,6393,2687,668189,704
Friday, 1st February124,3713,0486,129182,036
Tuesday, 1st January121,3232,3985,431175,907

DateSite Counter
No Longer Used
Counter +
No Longer Used
Actual visitors for previous monthTotal visitors
Saturday, 1st December118,9253,6857,300170,476
Thursday, 1st November115,2404,5187,621163,176
Monday, 1st October110,7222,2504,900155,555
Saturday, 1st September108,4722,2775,065150,655
Wednesday, 1st August106,1952,2424,867145,590
Sunday, 1st July103,9532,4845,038140,723
Friday, 1st June101,4692,7665,495135,685
Thursday, 17th May100,000Counter landmark
Tuesday, 1st May98,7032,8825,408130,190
Sunday, 1st April95,8213,1915,429124,782
Thursday, 1st March92,6303,5086,047119,353
Thursday, 1st February89,1223,2974,734113,306
Monday, 1st January85,825 2,6324,301108,572

DateSite Counter
No Longer Used
Counter +
No Longer Used
Actual visitors for previous monthTotal visitors
Friday, 1st December83,193 2,7515,311104,271
Saturday, 4th NovemberVisitor landmark100,000
Wednesday, 1st November80,442 5,1476,95098,960
Sunday, 1st October75,295 3,0974,81892,010
Friday, 1st September72,198 2,9014,32487,192
Saturday, 1st August69,297 3,3414,56682,868
Saturday, 1st July65,956 3,1884,34278,302
Thursday, 1st June62,768 3,0384,12873,960
Monday, 1st May59,730 2,7333,62169,832
Saturday, 1st April56,9973,4344,260 66,211
Wednesday, 1st March53,5632,7863,768 61,951
Tuesday, 1st February50,7772,4663,45558,183
Saturday, 1st January48,3112,3313,10854,728

DateSite Counter
No Longer Used
Counter +
No Longer Used
Actual visitors for previous monthTotal visitors
Wednesday, 1st December45,9802,9004,49951,620
Monday, 1st November42,9904,1204,45747,121
Friday, 1st October38,8702,5373,06343,001
Wednesday, 1st September36,3331,7772,42139,938
Sunday, 1st August34,5561,8482,41437,517
Thursday, 1st July32,7082,0172,32835,103
Tuesday, 1st June30,6912,148 2,63432,775
Sunday, 2nd May28,543 2,361 2,96630,141
Thursday, 1st April26,182 2,156 2,77427,175
Tuesday, 2th March24,0261,3291,70424,401
Tuesday, 9th February22,6971,966
Tuesday, 12th January20,7312,281

DateSite Counter
No Longer Used
Counter +
No Longer Used
Actual visitors for previous monthTotal visitors
Tuesday, 1st December18,4501,950Stats from
CIX server
were not
until Feb 99
when our
URL relocated
Monday, 2nd November16,5002,011
Thursday, 1st October14,4891,336
Thursday, 3rd September13,153944
Saturday, 1st August12,2091,325
Wednesday, 1st July10,8841,200
Monday, 1st June9,6841,541
Friday, 1st May8,1431,195
Wednesday, 1st April6,948 1,154
Sunday, 1st March5,794892
Sunday, 1st February4,902736
Sunday, 4th January4,166579

DateSite Counter
No Longer Used
Counter +
No Longer Used
Actual visitors for previous monthTotal visitors
Saturday, 6th December3,5871,260
Saturday, 1st November2,327264
Saturday, 4th October1,483732
Sunday, 7th September883540
Sunday, 17th August343343
Friday, 1st August00

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