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Page updated Thursday, February 14th, 2019
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Is there a special message here for you?

(The brave ones put an email address for replies! Don't forget to remove the anti-spam text though)

To: Sefton Redshaw
From Helen Redshaw email
My message of lurve to you:
To my Valentine.

I love you as much as i love my beloved Frank and Rocky Horror. Let's do the time warp again!!

Love you xxx

To: Steve
From Mystery Valentine email
My message of lurve to you:

Happy valentines from Frank

To: Trouble
From Sparkle email
My message of lurve to you:
Happy Valentines Day Trouble,

love you squillions always and forevers my Anam Cara


To: Abi Mason
From David Williams email
My message of lurve to you:
To my lovely Abi. Thank you for bringing sparkles and rainbows into my life and for loving me through everything. Love you every day Sexy Eyes xxx

(I still don't do Valentines though)

To: Chris
From Bev email
My message of lurve to you:
To my very own Frank N Furter, There's a light in the darkness of everybody's life & that's you x sometimes it's not easy having a good time, even smiling makes my face ache, but you kiss me & I see you shiver with antici....(say it!!)..patation, so don't dream it, be it....

My Husband, My Love, My Valentine

Love you (a lot)

your Columbia

To: James
From Kev My message of lurve to you:
To my amazing James face, thank you for everything you do for us.

8 years together - yay

Happy Birthday my lovely man.

I Love you very much

Kev xx

To: Steph
From TWW My message of lurve to you:
Love you lits xxx

To: Sion sweet
From Jessica S C Suzanne Churcher Sweet email
My message of lurve to you:
Thank you for loving me and my Rocky Horror obsession. You have taken me to see the show a number of times and even joined me in the front row, despite you not actually really liking it!! You let me have Rocky pictures and dolls about the house with no complaint. Love you so much love from Jess xx

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