Updated: Sunday, February 9th, 2025 |
Rocky Horror Show Tour 2024-2026
The show will be in Milton Keynes this week.
Edinburgh for January 2026 is now on sale, as is Leicester Curve.
 Hoodies are now available at the show merchandise table. I've done a review and added images of this new item.
Narrator News Joe MacFadden and Jackie Clune will be returning as The Narrator for some of the 2025 tour dates as Nathan Caton will be on his own comedy tour. See the listings below for details.
 Fans at the Show has some more images from Newcastle added. We'd love some more images from your trips to any of the venues on this tour. Do please keep sending them in as we love seeing your fan pics and adding them to the archive of tens of thousands over the years. There is a link on each venue page to send in your photos.
Visit our dedicated section for all the latest information about the tour and booking links.
February Competition Our competition for February continues.
Once again, we are giving away a RHS TeeShirt to each of our winners and remember our competitions are FREE TO ENTER, you don't even have to be a member of the fan club (but if you aren't, why not?!).
Winners from last month are also now online.
Members Newsletter #117
The December 2024 Newsletter (issue #117) is now online in the Members Area.
If you are not already a member, visit the page to find out how to join the UK's one and only Official Rocky Horror fan club.
New Rocky Horror Licenced Video Game
The new 8 bit platform style Rocky Horror Show video game is out for Steam, we're still waiting for the Xbox, Nintendo Switch and PlayStation versions before we add a review.
You can see a copy of the trailer and more details on the Time Extension web site [link opens on new window].
Koi Footwear Rocky Horor themed shoes and boots

Koi Footwear have created a range of licenced Rocky Horror Show themed shoes and boots. We were sent some samples before Christmas and we have a page or three up on the site now with three of the styles, incuding 360° panoramic images.
Click here for details.
BlueSky We've just signed up to  BlueSky as Twitter (X) is getting a little too toxic at the moment.
timewarpfanclub.bsky.social is our profile name.
Love from the UK (TimeWarpWebmaster)