Rocky Horror Show Tour 2024-2026
The show is at the Playhouse Theatre, Liverpool for the next five weeks over the Christmas season.
New Show Merchandise
New Merchandise. There is now a Rocky Horror Show Christmas Bauble available online from TheatreShop.
Fans at the Show is updated with some Liverpool images from Helen and Max. We'd love to see some of your images from this tour. Please keep sending them in, details of how to send in images are on the show pages.
Visit our dedicated section for all the latest information about the tour and booking links.
Forbidden Planet merchandise
I've just updated the page with news of their The Rocky Horror Show tee-shirts that are now available. Click here for details.
New Rocky Horror Licenced Video Game The new 8 bit platform style Rocky Horror Show video game is out for Steam, we're waiting for the Xbox, Nintendo Switch, and PlayStation versions before we add a review.
You can see a copy of the trailer and more details on the Time Extension web site [link opens on new window].
Kev's Panto List 2024
For the Eighteenth year in a row fan club rep Kev (with help from James) has sent yet another fabulous list of the stars from past Rocky Horror Shows that are in Pantomime and other shows this season.
UPDATED with three more entries.
Full details in the Notice Board section of the site.
TV Listings I've updated the TV LIstings right though to the New Year.
The Rocky Horror Picture Show will be screened in the early hours of Christmas morning this year, plus there are loads of other things you might like to set the recorder for over the festive season. Click here to see the listings
December Competition Our competition for December has continues, enter now for you chance to win.
This month we are giving away a RHS TeeShirt to each of our winners and remember our competitions are FREE TO ENTER, you don't even have to be a member of the fan club (but if you aren't, why not?!).
Winners from November are also now announced.
Members Newsletter #116
The September 2024 Newsletter (issue #116) is online in the Members Area.
If you are not already a member, visit the page to find out how to join the UK's one and only Official Rocky Horror fan club.
Love from the UK(TimeWarpWebmaster)